Unit study state flags teaches history, geography, government of the United States. You child will produce a notebook of state facts. When you have your child dig a little deeper you can incorporate history, government, and language arts into your study of the states. The unit study will take ten weeks if you do a state every day.
Unit study state flags does not take a lot of supplies. You probable have most of the items already in your house. Here is a list of supplies.
Your child will learn a lot about each state's history by studying the flag. When he is doing research he will find other interesting historical facts about each state.
By placing the states on an outline map they will learn the geography of the United States.
With a little more research you child can learn about the people who are in government in the state.
On the outline map write the name of the state and capital after you have finished the flag.
Here are some questions for your child to answer:
You can use the unit study of the state flags to teach language arts. Have your child practice his writing by listing what he has learned about each state. If your child is older, have him write a short report on each state. Also read about the states motto, song, and nick name. Read about other fun facts for each state.
Use colored paper to make a flag for each state. You will also need some colored pens to do small details on the flag. Also use the pens to write any words or dates that are on the flag.
Each day have your child place the finished flag into a sheet protector and place into a notebook. Also place in the notebook the information that he has collected about the state.
Unit study state flags can be an interesting hands-on project for your children. They will learn history, geography, language arts and do a fun art project.
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