Homeschooling High School...
Are You Nervous?

For most families homeschooling high school is stressful. We want our children to succeed in life. Therefore we need to take time and learn about teaching our teens at home.


Before you start homeschooling high school you will need to do some planning. Think about your philosophy of education. Why do you want to homeschool high school. Also consider your child's goals and interests

If you are seriously considering teaching your teen at home look into your states requirements. What are the graduation requirements for homeschoolers?

If your child plans to go to college or a trade school see what the requirements are.

One of the benefits of homeschooling is that you can teach to your child's interests. If he wants to be an artist he can focus on art.

With proper planning you can make high school affordable. You do not need a lot of fancy equipment to give your child a good education.

How to Teach

There are several ways that you can homeschool high school. You can continue to teaching using curriculum made for teaching your child at home.


Some co-ops offer high school classes. Co-ops can save you money if they teach science lab classes such as biology or chemistry. Going to a co-op would also be good if your child wants to do classes in speech or debate.

If there is no co-op in your location that does high school classes you can also see about having your child attend one or two classes at the local high school.


Some parents op to have their children do classes online. Online classes are good for families where the parents have outside commitments or other siblings to teach. There are several online programs, some are accredited.

Dual Credit

Another option for homeschooling high school is to have your child attend a community college. During your child's junior and senior year your child can attend college and receive dual credit. Your child would receive a high school diploma and two years of college credit.

ClEP Test

Some children like to take tests. If your child does he can take tests and receive college credit. The CLEP test which stands for College Level Examination Program provides 33 tests. The tests are for subjects that a student would encounter in the first two years of college.


So what classes are apart of homeschooling high school? Our teens will need classes in math, science, language arts, and history.

The math classes should include higher math such as algebra and geometry if your child plans to go to college. Depending on what your child wants to do he will need two to four years of math.

High school students need to take four years of science. At least one of the classes should contain a lab.

Our children will need four years of language arts. They will need to read books. A lot of colleges want to see that your child has read classical literature. Your teen also needs to be able to analyze good literature. You should also have your child write. He should practice writing different essays.

For history our children need three or four years.

Most general graduation requirements want your teen to have four years of electives. If your child is going to college he will need at least two years of a foreign language. This could be part of your child elective classes.

Some states also require classes in physical education and fine arts. Before you start homeschooling high school you will need to check to see what your state required for graduation. Then if your child plans to go to college you will want to know what colleges require.

Other Things to Teach

Soon our teens will leave home. We need to make sure that they are ready.

Homeschooling high school should include some instruction in life skills. You can teach your teen life skills in a formal home economics course or through day to day experiences.

If you are a Christian, have you passed on your faith to your child? Encourage your child to have their own Bible study and fellowship with other Christians. He will need a strong faith before he goes to college or lives in the world.

High school is also a time where your child can learn to take care of a business. Having a business can be a good learning experience.

Special Needs

Some parents are homeschooling high school children who have special needs. Some children just struggle with learning. Others have more severe disabilities. We need to consider our children's abilities and what their goals are.

Some are capable and want to go to college or a trade school. We need to develop a plan so that they will succeed.

Other children will need more help. We will need to find out what kind of help is available in our area. Some children will qualify for rehabilitation and job coaching.

Depending on your child's disability you will want to plan for guardianship and living arrangements.

Keep Records

High school is a time to keep good records especially if your child plans to go to college. One of the pieces of paper that you will need to produce is a transcript. You will need to document the classes that your child has taken and the credits that were earned.

It is also good to keep a portfolio of high school work. The portfolio can be shown to colleges.


Soon your child will be finished with school. When your child is ready for graduation you will want to mark the occasion with some type of remembrance. It is also nice to give your child a diplomas so that he can have a record of his achievement.

Homeschooling high school is possible no matter what your situation.

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