40 Favorite Bible Stories

How to use them in Your Homeschool

We have always enjoyed Bible stories from the old and new testaments. There are several ways that you can use them in your homeschool.

We read from picture Bibles when our children were babies and preschoolers. When my children were first learning to read we used a phonics reader based on bible stories. My children also used the Bible for copy work.

Old Testament

Besides reading the stories to your child there are many opportunities to use the Old Testament for homeschooling.

When you read the story of creation you can also observe nature. Look at different animals, birds, plants, and the stars.

When you read about the Tower of Babel learn to say hello in different languages.

There are several stories that take place in Egypt. Have your child learn more about ancient Egypt.

Here is a list of Old Testament stories;

  • Creation  --  Genesis 1
  • The garden of Eden  --  Genesis 2-3
  • Noah's ark --   Genesis 6-7
  • The flood --   Genesis 7-8
  • The tower of Babel --   Genesis 11
  • Abram  --  Genesis 11-13
  • Isaac  --  Genesis 21-22, 24
  • Joseph --   Genesis 37-45
  • Moses  --  Exodus 1-3
  • The plagues of Egypt --  Exodus 7-10
  • The Israelites leave Egypt --   Exodus 13-15
  • The 10 Commandments --   Exodus 19-20
  •  Balaam  --  Numbers 22-24
  • Jericho  --  Joshua 3-4
  • Samson --   Judges 13-16
  • The story of Ruth --  Ruth 1-4
  • Saul the first king --   1 Samuel 8-10
  •  David  --  1 Samuel 16
  • David and Goliath - -  1 Samuel 17
  • Elijah --   1 Kings 17
  • Elisha  --  11 Kings 4-5
  • Daniel in the lion's den --   Daniel 6
  •  Ester --  Esther 1-4
  • Jonah  --   Jonah 1-4

New Testament

You can also read the New Testament for history. When you are studying the Gospels and Acts study more about the Romans. You can also study about Greek thought.

Teach the meaning of passages when you are reading about the parables of Jesus.

Here is a list of New Testament Bible stories:

  •  Birth of Jesus --   Matthew 1 and Luke 1
  • Jesus calms the sea --   Matthew 8, Mark 4, Luke 8
  •  Jairus' daughter - -  Matthew 9, Mark 5, Luke 8
  •  Feeding of the five thousand --   Matthew 14, Mark 6,
  • Luke 9, John 6
  •  Peter walks on water --  Matthew 14, Mark 6, John 6
  •  The good Samaritan --   Luke 10
  •  The lost sheep --   Matthew 18, Luke 15
  •  The prodigal son - -  Luke 15
  • Let the children come --   Matthew 18, 19, Mark 9, 10, Luke 9, 18
  • Zacchaeus --  Luke 19
  • Preparing for the Passover --  Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 13
  • The last supper --  Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 13
  • The crucifixion --  Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, John 19
  • The resurrection --   Matthew 28, mark 16, Luke 24, John 20
  • The disciples receive the Holy Spirit --  Acts 1-2
  • Saul's on the road to Damascus -- Acts 9

Bible stories can also be used to teach character. Think about the different people in each story. Look for different character traits such as who was faithful, truthful, and helpful. Also look at stories that have to do with forgiveness.

I hope that you like my list of Bible stories and will use them in your homeschool.

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