It is possible to have affordable high school. You can homeschool high school no matter what your budget. If you need to save money, look for ways to incorporate free resources into your curriculum. Then look for ways to make money to buy the curriculum that you need.
Use the library for affordable high school homeschooling. Besides books the library has magazines, CDs, and videos. You can teach English, social studies, health, and fine arts with free materials. By borrowing materials you can teach most subjects in high school for free. Most libraries also have free internet that you can use for research.
Here are some ways to use the library to save money:
Instead of buying literature books for high school borrow them. Libraries have classics and other fiction books.
We plan to use the library to help us develop affordable high school curriculum. I plan to teach high school literature and all of the necessary history classes with resources from my library. The only problem will be making sure the materials are available when I need them. Using the internet to place books on hold should overcome this problem.
I have found some affordable high school help on the internet. Most it has been in record keeping. You can find examples of transcripts and portfolios.
There are also sites that will help your child do algebra and geometry
There are sites were you can download or read literature online. There are a lot of books in the public domain. Many are classics.
The internet is a great way to do research. Your child can find information on almost any subject. You will need to teach him internet safety and have filtering programs.
To make homeschooling high school affordable, find ways to make money. If your child wants to be tutored in a subject have him get a job to help pay for the class.
Also look for entrepreneur opportunities. Your child could also receive high school credit for his business experience.
Even a garage sell can make some money for books or classes.
Also convince your high schooler that he does not need an Ipad or the latest fashion. If he does want these things, help him find ways to make money.
You will probably have to buy math textbooks and science materials.
Before you buy curriculum research to see what is available. A good place to look is in Cathy Duffy's book 101 Top Picks. My library has the book so I don't even have to buy it.
You could also get idea of what curriculum is good by talking to other homeschoolers. Ask your friends. Look on the internet for curriculum reviews.
After you have decided what curriculum that you want to buy, buy used. There are sites that deal with used curriculum. Amazon sells used materials.
If you belong to a homeschool co-op see if anyone is selling curriculum. You might also be able to swap what you have for what you want.
Your child will need at least one lab science. This can be expensive especially if you do biology. One option is to do biology with a group of homeschoolers. Another option is to take the class at the local college. The last option is to take another science for lab. You can buy a textbook used to save money.
With a little creativity affordable high school is possible. You can still provide a great high school education for your child without breaking the bank.
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